TriCMC Prize Sponsors
we already have plenty of prize sponsors as we need 8 prizes for every discipline (and this only covering the 1st places...)
Of course all the sponsors will only appear on this list when their stuff/money has reached us!
Bagaboo will provide us with Messenger Bags for the national champions. With the flag of their country on the flap of course...
We thank our good friend Dustin for one of his beautiful Cicli Berlinetta wheelsets!

A triplette of Miche chains from a local bike shop with a history of track racing for your bike!
Florian, the owner of the shop is a current messenger with Kurierzentrale and won the uphill sprint at ECMC2005! He donates quality helmet for the uphill winner...
The amazing organisers of this years ECMC will bring some prizes they couldn't get rid off at their prizegiving. THANK YOU!