Bike dealer and repair
When you can't trust your mother anymore you still can keep your faith in the opinion of a bike messenger for the matter of his beloved ride. He will know the best place to fix his bike, get new parts or even swap for a new ride.
This nice shop right next to the Basel SBB train station offers a good range of different bikes. From quality road racers over Bergamont fixed gears to the Flyer-Electro bikes. When Sir Wenger doesn't sell bikes, he and his show group do funny tricks on the unicycle. There you will even be able to admire the smallest bike in the world: Guinness record certified! Check out the shop's webpage for special offers and some classy pictures!
Wälde's new shop in Zürich where one senses "l'amour" for bicycles and the spirit of everyday out on the street messengering! As a former messenger and still passionate fixie rider he knows what is good for you and your bicycle! Steel frames and nice messenger stuff are waiting for you!
Dornacherstr. 277
4053 Basel

The shop of one former and one still active messenger. They have a lot of BMC and Fixed-Gear bikes. Their heart beats for chromo frames and beats even harder, when they can improvise by setting up a bike. If your heart beats for stylish fixed gears, check out the recently arrived Charge bikes.
Murbacherstr. 38,
4056 Basel

A small shop hidden in the narrow streets of the St. Johann area. Your high-end bike will be in trusty hands. But you can also walk in with a creepy old something – you’ll get the same perfect service. Just watch out for the old-fashioned bike attached to the wall outside the shop and you can't miss it!